SEO Singapore

SEO services in Singapore

New SSL Services from SEO Singapore

According to the latest google webmaster guideline, SSL is one of the important ranking facators. Website with SSL will have higher ranking in the search engine. For helping the webmaster gain the SEO ranking in the search engine, the largest online SEO services website has just luanched the SSL installation for all the customers in Singapore.

SSL is the high security transfort layer. With the SSL, the transformation will encrypt with 2048 bits code. That makes the website has biggest difference compared with normal personal website because most of the personal users are using the sharing hosting. The share hosting is difficult to install the SSL certification, unless their own host provider has the shared SSL certification.

In Singapore, some SEO company already gain the SSL benefits from the latest google update. The SSL is become the part of the SEO services.

For the local personal users, and blog users, the https services are still not aviable for them because the service charge is $200 per year. That's not a cheap price for the personal users.

About the SEO Singapore

The largest online marketing agency in Singapore.

Company Address: Lion Building D, #02-03 16 Arumugam Road Singapore 409961

Contact Number: +65 6802 0508